Ideavores - my thoughts on business, books, and really just about anything else
Ideavores is my ultimate side project - built for my own personal edification, but hopefully one day others can stumble onto it and enjoy it. I started this site to hone my writing skills, record my thoughts on different business ideas, and keep track of the books I read.
The name ideavores came from "-vores" in latin meaning to devour. The devourer of ideas just seemed like too good of a concept to pass up. Inspirations for this site include Tim Urban's Waitbuywhy, Tren Griffin's 25iq, and Ben Thompson's Stratechery. I will blatantly try to steal the things they do really well. About Me "I got 5 passports, I’m never going to jail" - Jay-Z, "Otis" My name is Damian and I'm the COO at Capital on Tap, a FinTech SME lender in the UK. I studied civil engineering at Georgia Tech and went to law school at the University of Georgia. After a brief legal career (thank god), I've been subsumed by entrepreneurship, finance, investing and startups. I enjoy reading, college football, rap music and craft beer. I've got 3 passports and looking for 2 more. |
ABOUT MEMy name is Damian and I'm the COO at Capital on Tap, a FinTech lender in the UK. I write about business ideas and books and other things that interest me.